Although the “Go to/go with” behavior is only two behaviors, sending the dog to the actor (without turning to look back to the trainer) and going with the actor and staying by his or her side (without turning to look back to the trainer) is so important. These dogs did this with just a few days of training, and the art is keeping the dog looking natural, and these dogs did really good!
Although the “Go to/go with” behavior is only two behaviors, sending the dog to the actor (without turning to look back to the trainer) and going with the actor and staying by his or her side (without turning to look back to the trainer) is so important. These dogs did this with just a few days of training, and the art is keeping the dog looking natural, and these dogs did really good!
Being able to send your dog away to an actor is very important, but to add carrying an object, having the actor take it, and still watching the actor is essential in film and TV work. Notice none of the dogs looking back at the trainer.
Teaching a dog to run from point A to B is probably one of the easiest of all behaviors. But to teach a dog to walk “easy” and natural, can be challenging.. especially for reactive or high strung dogs. But it absolutely can be done. We get a lot of calls for this behavior.
This video is the training of the “easy’ behavior. You can see that the dog NEVER gets rewarded for coming to the trainer, and is rewarded a lot for simply taking a few steps. This is what slows the dog down naturally.
We get a lot of calls for this behavior, and that is getting the dog to change speeds. Often the dog starts off slow, and then runs out of frame. This behavior cannot be trained until the dog is 100% trained on the “easy”.
Looks are one of the most important aspects of working dogs on the set. In this exercise, the dogs are required to jump on an elevated area, and throw a look over their left shoulder without moving their front paws.
Although the “Go to/go with” behavior is only two behaviors, sending the dog to the actor (without turning to look back to the trainer) and going with the actor and staying by his or her side (without turning to look back to the trainer) is so important. These dogs did this with just a few days of training, and the art is keeping the dog looking natural, and these dogs did really good!